Tanner is doing so good! He is 3 months old already, weighs 13 1/2 lbs, and is 26 inches long! He is headed to be tall like his Daddy!
He had a hip ultrasound & a ortho appointment Thursday 3/12. His right hip has improved alot. The doc was very pleased. He now only has to wear the hip abduction brace at night! I am so happy about that, as it makes things easier during the day, he fits into his car seat way better, and he can move his legs up and down all he wants! Tanner goes back in for a hip xray in 1 month to see if we can get rid of the brace. There really is a light at the end of the tunnel!
He has had the ponsetti afo's for 1 week now. This is one of those braces with the shoes, and the bar inbetween. His left heel is starting to move down, but the right heel has not moved. The doc is concerned about that. He already had his achilles tendons clipped which should have helped that. The doc is thinking that the muscle in the heel is too tight as well. He advised me to keep stretching his feet, and Tanner's feet will be checked again the same day as the hip xray next month. If his right heel doesn't improve, we may be looking at another outpatient surgery.
Tanner's gets his shunt checked on Monday, 3/16. That appointment will determine if he still needs the shunt or not! I am hoping for not, but know that he may still need it. I just want the very best for him.