"God doesn't give children with special needs to strong people; He gives children with special needs to ordinary, weak people and then gives them strength. Raising a child with special needs doesn't take a special family, it makes a special family."
" Faith makes life possible. Hope makes life workable. Love makes life beautiful."

The Winwards

The Winwards
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tanner's Tryke

Today the Fed Ex man brought Tanner a new Tryke!  It is an Amtryke therapeutic tryke. It has hand cranks and straps on the pedals to hold Tanner's feet in place. Once he learns how, he will be able to ride a tryke!
I'm so excited for him!  Thanks to all those who donated the $ in order to get this for him! 
It came unassembled, and took me about an hour to put together!    

"Is this how you do it Mom?"

So far he loves it! On to bigger and better adventures!

Tanner says "Thank you!"

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Some of Tanner's FAV's

So lately Tanner has had a lot of favorite things.  His obsessions have been changing from day to day, and boy is he ever stubborn about them!  That's right, I have a full blown 2 year old on my hands.  Temper tantrums, anger, stubbornness, shouting, screaming, hitting.... you name it... he's done it at one point or another.  :)

June 2010, we were able to go to Disneyland CA.  Some of my old coworkers pitched in and gave Tanner mickey ears before we went.  Up until a few weeks ago, Tanner refused to wear them, and now he doesn't hardly take them off!  

He also loves to play with shoes!

Since he isn't walking yet, he wears them on his hands and crawls around with them on. 

He is such a cute boy in his ears and mommy's shoes!

Oh, don't forget giving his stuffed mickey a ride on the train, another obsession!

The last Saturday of January we went to the Phoenix Zoo with all of Ray's siblings families.  The only animal Tanner REALLY likes is a giraffe. Since Tanner is still under 3 almost all the "extras" are free for him.  He "wanted" to feed the giraffe until we were close.  And then he clung to me for dear life!

It was still fun to see his reaction and everyone else's as I "tortured" my child.  I'm sure the zoo workers thought I was being a mean mom!


Tanner is now really, really, really into sand!  He loves it!  He could probably play in it all day long if I would let him!  His favorite thing is to shovel sand into a pail, and then dump it out again over and over and over again.

We were able to get a sand play area at our house thanks to Grandpa Ken, who bought all the sand for us.  It was dumped right inside our gate by a big dump truck.  Tanner loved the truck, but it scared him when it started to dump the sand!  And he took off!  As you can see it's a big pile of sand! 

All the sand had to be hand shoveled into the hole that Ray had dug out previously.  I did about 1/3 of it, and Ray did the rest.  Tanner loves it!

Tanner also loves this little car which he is getting way to big for!  While riding in it, he says "vrrroommm, vrrrooommm!  It's so cute!

Tanner is also becoming more and more independent, and is constantly saying "self, self" (do myself).  He will try and try something before he finally asks for "elp eee" (help me)

He is usually happy and is always making me laugh!

When not outside, Tanner loves to look out the windows.  Our windows are quite high off the floor, so here he is sitting on a tv stand with me close by.

"Please Mom, let's go outside"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

He's getting there!

So I have to admit as some of the other kids have been standing and walking, I've been a bit envious and even jealous.  I know that every child is different, and Tanner reminds me of this on a daily basis, as children with or without SB are exceeding what he can or can't do. :)  But then I realize that I can't dwell on those things or I miss what is right in front of me.... Tanner.... his personality....his smile....his laugh...and all the other great things about him. 
Things are getting better for me as I talk things out, and am now on happy pills for awhile :)  I don't know why I let stress overwhelm me so much.  But as others have told me, there ain't no shame in happy pills, so that is the plan for now. 
Also wanted to share that Tanner stood in his reverse walker for the first time today without crying!  Admittedly I had to bribe him with a raisinet - but it was well worth it!
So proud of him!  He's getting there, and the wait has been worth the joy and admiration I have for him!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun at the park

We had a group get together from church at the park today.  I love this park because there is a big grass area, and the playground isn't huge either.  Tanner played in the "san" (sand) and with the "balls".  His new found passion seems to be the football.

"I'm going to throw this thing somehow"

"Maybe rolling it will work better"

"Ready, Set, Catch!"

Tanner also got into playing with the big kids. So cute!

"Look at my ball"

Tired after 2 hours at the park!

Even gave Hugs at the end!

Both Tanner and I had a good time.  It was nice to socialize and interact.  Thanks to our friend Danya for organizing it and having her house (across the street) available for needed use!
Look forward to doing it again!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Up and Into

Tanner is really starting to get "up on & into" more and more things.  He climbs up onto just about anything now. He can climb up onto rocking chairs, kitchen chairs, the kitchen table, couches, beds, coffee tables you name it. And he loves to sit and read.

Tanner also loves boxes.  He love to climb into bigger ones, and hopes that he can "fit" into smaller ones. 

I wonder if he can fit his head in!  LOL!

He also loves playing with shoes.  Here he is "walking" inside Daddy's shoes. Using his hands in the shoes as he crawls along.  So cute!

Up on the couch all by himself. So tired after a full day of climbing and exploration. Ready to go to bed in his Thomas PJ's

Tanner & Aidan

While in Utah we also visited Ray's Grandma and some extended Family. One of  Ray's cousins has an 8 month old little boy named Aidan.  He is so adorable!  I think he has as much hair as Tanner does, if not more!  Tanner loves babies, and he loved Aidan!

At first they didn't really know what to think of each other. There was a lot of touching and and looks. But it was so cute!

In the end they entertained each other by smacking Grandma's coffee table. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let it snow.....

It snowed while we were up in Utah. Snowed all day the Wednesday after Christmas. These pictures were taken the morning after.  So pretty, but so cold!  BRRRRR!

Tanner's first experience of being in the snow.  He had seen a little of it before last February when my Dad died, but nothing like this!  I don't think he really knew what to think of it. He kept calling it "dagglefluff" :)
Ray took him out when I was out with a friend so I missed it, but I'm happy that this video was taken!  It's so cute that he doesn't understand why the snow is sticking to his gloves, and his wonder as he is trying to crawl through it!

After going out in the snow, and some of the days following it was so cold!  Tanner was entertained at Grandma Linda's house.  He liked played on the computer & tons of toys!  Tanner got so spoiled this year! He got puzzles, over 40 different hot wheel cars, a mini train set, a bowling set, a sit'n'spin, tons of new books, clothes, a Mr. potato head, a play tool set.... There is probably more, just can't remember right now. 

Even though there were some rough patches for me, it was a great trip and we all had fun!

Oh Christmas Tree

 We went to Utah for Christmas this year.  I grew up there, and its always nice to go back. We had a great time there and were able to see most of my family and friends.  It was SO COLD!!   I think the warmest it got was around 15 degrees BRRRRRR!  Or as Tanner would say..... brrr, I code (cold).   But no matter where you are the Christmas Trees are all pretty.

This is what our tree looked like at our house in AZ. We were able to go up near Payson and cut down our own tree this year.  That was an experience in of itself thanks to Ray and his "know it all" attitude!  We hiked down the mountain carrying Tanner and a saw the whole way, found the tree we wanted.  Then Ray wanted to hike back to the car and get the twine which he "forgot" to bring. I want not a happy camper about his because I knew that we probably wouldn't be able to find the same tree again and because it was cold.  Being a good wife I went back with him, ate lunch at the car, and left Tanner with Grandma. We hiked back down and couldn't find the same tree. Thinking to myself "Why am I not surprised".  This is how things work in the Winward family.  Fed up, cold and tired my attitude was swiftly going down the mountain. I told Ray, "Find a tree and cut it down, I'm done."  " I don't care what it looks like".  Well below is the result of that statement. :)

Kind of lopsided and had big blank spots on one side. But it had character, like everything else we entangle ourselves in. :)  Tanner helped decorate it, pointing to where he "wanted" the ornaments to go.  Ray lifted him up and he placed each and every candy cane.  Although they were all grouped together and I really wanted to move them, I left them where Tanner had placed them.

This tree was at my Mom's house in Utah. A fake already lit tree with oodles of decorations and ornaments with a rotating stand.  Tanner was fascinated by it!

True to my Mom and tradition.... Always tons of food to eat.  No wonder I always gain weight over the holidays! 

Tanner learned to say "cook" (cookie) and "cand" (candy) while we were there. :) He also learned to say "santa" and "noman" (snowman)  
He did learn another word much to my dismay.  He was trying to say cracker.... but couldn't quite get it right. Take the "cra" of the front and insert a "fu"  and well.... you get the picture. What am I going to do with my sweet adorable guy.  Guess I'll just have to keep loving him!


What can be said about em??  They are sweet, soft, and melt in your mouth, and Tanner loves them!  I can't leave them anywhere!  He will find the bag!  Here he is thinking "I'll just sneak a few, before anyone notices".

OH!  Caught in the act!  His eyes say "What?  I'm not doing anything!"

Becomes flirty and funny when caught to get more!

Such a cute boy!  Gotta love him - even if he sneaks into the marshmallows from time to time!

Update on Feelings

After the last post, I've had a lot of feedback.  I've appreciated all of it! My days go up and down, and I've had more down days lately than up days.  When I have a down day everything seems to fall apart.  You know the saying... "If Mom's not happy, no one else is".  Tanner felt my negativity and reacted to it by not wanting to do anything for himself. (becoming a baby again).  I've decided to turn a new leaf and be happy for him.  I will save the negativity for when he is sleeping if I need too. :)  I look at how amazing he is, how he smiles all of the time, and is not mad at the world.  If he can do it, so can I.
Things really aren't as bad as I imagine them to be or as they seem.  Things could always be worse, and I am grateful that they aren't. I know that any help we can receive makes things easier for mostly the parents, but any release in stress is helpful. :)  I only wish it wasn't so hard and a constant fight.
I'm making a goal to do the best I can and rely on God to help with the rest.  That's all I really can do :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tons of Emotions..... Star's Feelings

Bear with me....I've been in deep thought a lot lately.

I sit here wondering what I can do given the little resources I have to make Tanner's life a bit better.  The bigger he gets the harder it gets to swallow that he really is "different". It's so hard for me to watch as his cousins run circles around him and to see him get so frustrated because he can't keep up.  Things like that are such harsh reminders about how easy other kids get around and how hard Tanner has to work to get anywhere.

I am so frustrated with Arizona and the lack of support and resources.  When I was pregnant with Tanner I was told numerous times... "He will get approved for a lot of things that will help out" - Currently he hasn't been approved for SQUAT!  I don't mean to sound bitter, but I have to admit that I am. I almost wonder if we would qualify for more things if we lived in another state.   I really feel like Tanner is getting short changed, and I don't know what I can do about it.  I've applied and applied and applied....and appealed and appealed and appealed.... only to get denied repeatedly for the things I was told before that Tanner wouldn't have a problem getting.

Christmas was hard for me this year.  Not sure if it was because it was the first Christmas after my Dad died, and he was all about Christmas or the fact that I'm still unemployed.... or maybe its something else.. I try so hard to be happy and not get stuck in sadness, but I seem to be stuck in a rut.
We were able to go to Utah where my family is and where I grew up for Christmas this year.  I felt it important that I be there for my Mom, and hoped it would help me too.  I know my Mom loved that we were there, and Tanner got spoiled rotten!!  But things just felt off for me, and I'm still puzzled why.
I was able to spend some time with friends which helped, but I still felt off.  Ray even noticed that I was off, and got frustrated when I couldn't tell him why.  I still can't tell him why.

He said the other day "I want the wife back that I married".  I don't know if I can give him that.  Having a child with special  needs changes a person. At least I feel like it has done that to me.
Some people tell me I need to get on anti-depressants.... but I'm already a "walking medicine cabinet" ... why would I want to add one more thing.  I don't know....maybe I haven't grieved enough about things and need to grieve more.

Don't get me wrong, I love Tanner... I would die for him.  He is my world, and the light in my life.  He is so funny and always amazes me with the things he is able to do given the circumstances.

Just had to clear my head.  Thanks for listening.